Yue-Sai Kan- Honorary chairwoman

Yue-Sai Kan is an Emmy-winning television host and producer, successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, fashion icon, bestselling author and humanitarian. People magazine called her “the most famous woman in China” and Time magazine proclaimed her “the Queen of the Middle Kingdom.” Renowned for her work in bridging the gap between China and the United States, she has been nicknamed "The Oprah of China”. She is a prolific author, with nine best-selling books in China covering topics such as television production, beauty, and etiquette. She is also known for her philanthropic work, including substantial donations to the UN World Conference on Women, the creation of scholarship programs, and chairing charitable organizations. Kan has been recognized for her work with numerous awards and honors, including being featured on a government-issued Chinese postage stamp, the only living American to receive such recognition. She continues to serve as a cultural ambassador and holds positions in several international organizations. She is the founder of Yue Sai Kan One World Foundation.

靳羽西 - 名誉主席

靳羽西是艾美奖获奖电视节目主持人和制片人,成功 女商人和企业家、时尚偶像、畅销书作家和人道主义者。 《人物》杂志称她为“中国最有名的女人”,《时代》杂志称她为“中国最有名的女人” 宣布她为“中央王国的女王”。 她以弥合中美之间的差距而闻名,她 被昵称为“中国的奥普拉”。 她是一位多产的作家,在中国出版了九本畅销书,涵盖的主题包括 电视制作、美容和礼仪。她还以慈善事业而闻名 工作,包括向联合国世界妇女大会提供大量捐款, 创建奖学金计划,并主持慈善组织。菅直人一直 她的工作获得了无数奖项和荣誉的认可,包括被 政府发行的中国邮票,唯一在世的美国人收到这样的邮票 识别。她继续担任文化大使,并在以下领域任职 几个国际组织。她是Yue Sai Kan One World的创始人 基础。

Kerry Yu -Founder of China US Fashion Week

Manager of 2022 Miss Universe Canada Amelia Tu

Director of International Model and Talent Association IMTA USA.

Founder of Global Rose Princess and Queen Pageant

Founder of Chinese Rose Princess and Queen Pageant USA

Founder of Peony Princess Pageant (China)

Author (one of 24) of best seller on Amazon of book “ Powerful Female Immigrants” Volume 2

Director of Chinese Youth and Women Development Organization (Non profit 501 (c) 3 )

Executive Produce of 2023 Miss Universe Canada Final Competition

Recipient of Global Outstanding Women Award in Canada 2023

Kerry Yu - 创始人/主席

2022加拿大环球小姐Amelia Tu 经纪人






亚马逊畅销新书“具有影响力的移民女性“Volume 2 作者之一


Lake Oswego 生活杂志时尚编辑 Honorary chairwoman 名誉主席

2023加拿大环球小姐总决赛承办人, 荣获3023加拿大环球杰出女性奖

President - Blair Woodfield

Blair Woodfield is an investor. He has over 40 years of experience in Real estate development, retail and restaurant business.

Blair Woodfield - 总裁

Blair Woodfield 投资商。他有40年的商业地产投资经验,并且参与零售和酒店投资和管理。

Vice Chairwoman -Debbie Remmers

Debbie Remmers is an investor. She has 30 years of experience in Real estate development and interior decoration business.

Debbie Remmers -副会长

Debbie Remmers 投资商。她有30年的商业地产投资经验,并且参与室内装修设计项目。

Vice Chairwoman - Feng Yu

Legendary educator of fashion models and talents in Dalian City, China. She has over 30 years of Educational expertise. She is the principle of Dalian Fashion TianZi model Academy.

于丰 - 副会长


Tracy Sun - Vice Chairwoman

Tracy, a seasoned 15-year global financial leader who operates at the forefront of market intricacies with precision. Tracy served as Treasury director in 500 fortune companies, in charge of commodities hedging, FX and cash management; she is also the Vice President of GPFIS, one of the biggest US based financial agencies safeguards client’s asset via financial advisory, tax planning, asset management and wealth transferring. She is also co-founder of Everest Aesthetic and Surgical Center in greater Philadelphia area.

Tracy Sun - 副会长

Tracy是一位经验丰富的全球金融领导者,她准 确地操作在市场错综复杂的前沿。Tracy曾在 500强企业担任财务总监,负责商品套期保值、 外汇和现金管理;她还是GPFIS的副总裁,该机 构是美国最大的金融机构之一,通过财务咨询、 税务规划、资产管理和财富转移来保护客户的资 产。她还是费城大区埃佛勒斯医美与外科中心的 联合创始人。

Grace Zou- Vice Chairwoman

Grace is a successful business woman, the co-founder of GC Investment LLC in the United States. Revered as the "Mulan of the business world," she is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese business leaders. She also serves as the president of the Silicon Valley Shenzhen Association and as a director of the American Hunan Association. She is the recipient of 2023 Global Outstanding Women award in Canada.

邹宏扬 - 副会长

邹宏扬是一位成功的商业女性,是美国 GC Investment LLC的联合创始人。她被 尊称为商界的“花木兰”,是杰出的中国商 业领袖代表之一。她还担任硅谷深圳联谊 会会长和美国湖南联谊会理事。她荣获 2023年加拿大全球杰出女性奖。

Ambassador of CUFW:WenBO Ji

Vice chairman of China fashion designers Association. Chairman of Guangdong Province fashion designer association, Top fashion designer of China



Julie Ping Shen - Ambassador of CUFW

Julie, Ping Shen, CEO and co-founder of JMK/M3 Model Media Academy. Vice President of FMI Management. Judge of the 2017 China Super Child Model Finals. Judge of the 2017 China "Same Roots Same Dream•Youth China" Finals. Dream Observer & Judge of the 2019 "China's Got Talent" West Coast Finals. Director of the 31st and 32nd International Asian Miss Finals in 2021 & 2022.Producer of the Chinese brands "Super Model Child" and "Asian Fashion Week," as well as the director of the 35th World Asian Miss Beauty Pageant in 2023.

沈苹 - 中美时装周时尚大使

JMK/M3模特传媒学院的CEO兼联合创始⼈。FMI管理公司的副总裁。2017 年中国超级童模总决赛评委。2017年中国“同根同梦•少年中国”总决赛评 委。2019年“中国达⼈秀”⻄海岸总决赛的梦想观察员和评委。2021年和 2022年的第31届和第32届国际亚洲⼩姐总决赛的导演。中国品牌“超模范 ⼉”和“亚洲时装周”的制⽚⼈,以及2023年第35届世界亚洲⼩姐选美⽐赛的 总导演。

Ambassador of CUFW: J. King

China young generation fashion designer. she is the founder of Angela design brand, received many awards from home and broad . She has successfully presented her line in New York fashion week, also received awards in China US film festival and IMTA model competition as a fashion designer.


中国著名青年设计师。Angel Design 品牌创始人。在国内外多次获得设计大奖。在纽约时装周上成功举办品牌的发布会。在中美电影节,美国超级模特大赛上获得设计师大奖。

Christine Xu - Ambassador of CUFW

Co-founder of Keppi Group, president of Yachuang Group America. Executive producer of the Emmy Award-winning American drama "The Bay”. Recipient of the 2023 EDI Outstanding Asian Award. Chairwoman of the 34th Miss Asian and the 4th Asian Film Festival. She has been the Chairwoman of the World Madam Organization in US from 2020-2022. Co-executive producer of the 36th Huading Awards. Vice Chairman of the Influencer Economy Alliance. Vice Chairman of the 2024 China-Mexico Economic and Trade Summit.

Christine Xu - 中美时装周时尚大使

Keppi 集团联合创始⼈,亚创集团美国公司总裁。美国艾 美奖获奖剧集《海湾》执⾏制⽚⼈。荣获2023年EDI杰出 亚洲⼈奖。第34届亚洲⼩姐选美和第4届亚洲电影节主席。 曾担任2020-2022年美国世界夫⼈组织主席。第36届华鼎 奖联合制⽚⼈。影响⼒经济联盟副主席。2024年中国-墨⻄ 哥经贸峰会副主席。

Tiffany Fan - Ambassador of CUFW

Tiffany Fan, educator, philanthropist, promotes confidence and beauty. Helping children achieve their dreams.

President of A Million Star Education Investment Company

President of Star International Modeling Agency

Director of the China and US regions of the International Model an of the Golden Tripod Foundation

Chief Planner of the Angel Beauty Pageant

US Partner of the West Coast Beauty Pageant

樊禹彤 - 中美时装周时尚大使


A Million Star 教育投资公司总裁

Star International 模特经纪公司总裁

International Model and Talent Association 全球模特才艺协会中国区、美国区理 事。




Mindy Li - Ambassador of CUFW

Founder and Principal of M3/JMK Model and Media School in US International Director & Vice President of FMIInternational Professional Model Coach and director Super Model in China